Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael (1990): Don’t Forget Her Face

It’s good to want things. Good teeth, clean sheets, a pair of Harley boots that actually fita book deal. Wanting keeps me going. Because let’s be honest: does getting ever actually make a difference?

Let them eat cake.

Let them eat cake.

Okay, a book deal would change my life. But not forever. I’d want something else after, something more. My biggest problem is that it’s all SO futile. Which is SUCH a teen angst thing to say, I know.

In Welcome Home, Roxy Carmichael, Dinky Bossetti is your typical teenage outcast. She hates her adoptive parents, wears black all the time, talks to animals, and kids throw food at her. With a name like “Dinky” how can she NOT be totally effed?

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